Sunday, June 1, 2014

Becoming a Badass: Combat First Impressions

So with everything that has been going on with my life, my start was a little bumpyish. Not terrible, but not perfect either! We went out of town during my first week doing Les Mills Combat and it was basically like this: Friday drive all day, event, event, sleep. Saturday: run errands, eat, get ready, event, walk a few miles to get food because our travel companions were at a different hotel, event, sleep. Sunday: Drive all day, lay around exhaustedly, sleep. I offset it a little by working out four days in a row (the schedule has you doing three days, rest day, two days, rest day), but I still missed Monday because it was Memorial Day and you best BELIEVE I was hanging out with my family eating burgers and drinking some 'shine.

That said, I actually love this I made up for it! Worked out four days in a row, took a rest, then had an unplanned crazy day, so I worked out twice today. I am now back on schedule without missing a beat. Well. Technically I missed a few beats, but I'm on track now. And I have to say I am amazed how it is already affecting me. I am sore in places I've never been sore and I'm thanking heaven there's Results and Recovery Formula to help ease it and keep me able to go on!

I have said it before and I'll say it again: It is VITAL that you find the type of workout that motivates you and makes you want to push yourself. Not everyone likes running, biking, hiking, yoga, lifting, planking, kicking, swimming, sports...Not everyone will enjoy P90X3 (although I know plenty that call it a favorite), not everyone is insane enough for Insanity, and not everyone wants a Brazil Butt Lift. The point is: you have to find your fitness. Not somebody else's.

At this point of my life and of my fitness journey, Les Mills Combat is my fitness! It has made me excited to work out again. It's fun. It makes me think of all of the times my guy friends used to tell me I should be a fighter (yeah, seriously...soulmate fitness plan right here) when I was a teenager. I'm looking better, I'm getting stronger, and I'm feeling like a total badass. I went from huffing and puffing and pressing pause several times my first day to almost completely keeping up by the end of my second week! I can feel my sense of balance changing. I can feel my back and shoulders getting more toned. I can feel my legs gaining muscle. And I can feel myself getting more confident and feeling like I have found just what I was looking for.

Look out, Gina Carano!
Tune in next time as I begin to give you an in-depth look to the individual workouts. First up--Combat 30: Kickstart!

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