Tuesday, February 25, 2014

On My Way

Before I get started, just an FYI for everyone who intends to follow me, the plan is to have a video on Sunday and then a blog every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday!  So keep an eye out.

Today is Day 2, the Upper Fix workout.  I'm feeling good--sore, but good.  As you know, yesterday was my first day with the eating plan and I have to say, I dig it.  Any time I started to get hungry, it was time to eat again!  I have to say the first half of the day was my favorite; Shakeology, fruit, steel-cut oats with cinnamon, and boiled eggs (meals one and two).  I have to say, the healthy food and the shakes had me feeling crazy energized all day (and a lot less grumpy than I usually am on Mondays).  Something else that has definitely helped was getting plenty of water.  *I just proofread this and realized I use the phrase "I have to say" a lot...I'm leaving it for authenticity. haha.*

One surefire way to do that is to have a specific cup, mug, or bottle that you use all day.  It's easy to overestimate how much water you're drinking when you're not really keeping track.  If you've got a bunch of different-sized cups, you might be well below your daily requirement, which can cause bloating, headaches, fatigue, and even may confuse your body into thinking you're hungry when you're not.  My Shakeology bottle is 700 ml.  If I drink at least three bottles full per day, I know I'm getting my minimum requirements.  It seriously makes a difference not only in the way you feel but in the amount of weight you will be able to lose.

Gotta love the swag.
The workouts are definitely effective.  Admittedly, I hate cardio right now.  When I was at a lighter weight, I loved it--now, I want to punch everyone in the face when I'm doing it.  haha.  However, as I did Day 1's Full Body Cardio, I felt like it was totally doable.  Anything I had to modify (because I've still got a lingering cough from being sick), I just did a few reps after the DVD was over.  It didn't feel too difficult during, but two hours later (and definitely this morning), my whole body was sore!  It's amazing how much the moves were doing without me even realizing it.  It just flew by, too.  Anyone can commit 30 minutes.

The Upper Fix definitely had me rethinking my overestimation of my own strength.  haha.  Unfortunately, I have not had the time to grab a heavier set of dumbbells for some of the exercises, so I did it all with the 5 pound weights--but it definitely worked everything.  It wasn't just arms, shoulders, and chest.  She also has you work your upper abs and DANG.  My abs are currently pathetic and I cannot wait to see that change!  The moves are all set in a minute of reps.  "You can do anything for a minute!" Even planking...with some falling and crying a little.  haha.

The only thing I really struggled with yesterday was when Tom decided to make mac and cheese.  I wasn't hungry and I had plenty of yummy foods throughout the day, but I wanted it so bad.  A little self-denial is good for you.  Builds character.

The last thing I want to say is a big THANK YOU to everyone who has been so encouraging.  I've barely started and I've already had so many people wanting more information, telling me I've inspired them, or asking my advice--and my blog viewership increased by about 200 views in a day!  It may not be a ton to some fitness gurus, but as an avid blogger, I have never seen such a spike before this.  I am seriously blown away.  You guys are motivating the heck out of me.  If my self-love falters, I know I'll have the notion of letting you down to keep me from stopping.  My younger sister, Emily, will soon be joining me in this endeavor and I can't wait to show the change it makes for both of us.  Get it!*

*This perkiness brought to you by the coffee I slipped into my shake this morning. ;)

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