Tuesday, April 1, 2014


So for the first time since I started Beach Body, I missed two scheduled workouts in a row this past weekend and didn't do the eating plan at all.  Not only that, but I only wrote one blog entry, which is a slacker move.  I was insanely busy, I have been feeling just ga-ross lately, and I just had the urge to retreat away from everything for a few days...yet I'm not going to make excuses for myself!  Sometimes you are just going fail a little.  It's normal.  The thing you have to remember is that you can't let it destroy your progress or determination.  Taking a couple of days off doesn't mean you can't do it.  In fact, it makes me more determined.  I have a new T25 challenge group coming up and they're offering a great deal (stay abreast of the sales and promotions by joining as a FREE player here.)...Shaun T is a beast and I know it will be a step up for me.  So I've got to get strong!

I'm not going to lie, sometimes it is hard.  Sometimes I'm tired, sometimes I want to stop.  But ALL the time I think about why I started and who I want to be.  I don't want to be that person who is too lazy to change for the better.  I think a lot of people hide behind some catchy "love your body slogans," and I think you should love your body--no matter the size.  You should be able to feel beautiful.  But the fact is, people who TRULY love their bodies take care of them.  And you can't do that by constantly shoveling in as much of whatever food you like.  You can't do that by refusing to exercise and giving yourself a pass because you're tired.  You're probably tired because you DON'T exercise.  Even on my most worn-out days, I'm not half as fatigued as I used to be when my eating and exercise habits were poor.  It definitely helps that I've got my Shakeology adding in a power pack of veggies, vitamins, and nutrients that I wouldn't get otherwise.  PLUS it's a good way to get an extra veggie serving in--throw it in the shake and I'm done.

Now, I'm going to hold the share bear and tell you about what's really been going on with my journey this past week.  I have had the biggest problem with just feeling nauseous when I try to eat veggies.  Not all of the time, but a lot of the time.  I've been craving peanut better and milk.  I have a habit of Googling things to investigate, and that is exactly what I did.  It turns out a diet too high in fruits and veggies and too low in salt and calcium can cause problems in your digestive system--problems like they would list on a Pepto Bismol commercial.  Some fruits can even halt the absorption of calcium because it tricks your body into thinking you are all stocked up on Vitamin D (which comes from the sun, duh)--which is the helpmate of calcium.  Keeping salt in your diet can help balance that issue, especially in the winter when we spend more time indoors and don't get the benefits of natural sunlight.  (You can read the full article here.)

Maybe it isn't the same for everyone, but for me, there's such a thing as eating "too good."  Milk isn't really part of the meal plan (you can have it three times a week if you sub out a grain container), but I'm going to be adding some in--as well as a bit of sodium.  Your body has cravings for a reason and it is to communicate essential nutrients that you're missing.  Check out the chart below for some good examples.

In any case, though I took a mini failboating vacation, I am going to try to hit it hard from here.  I can't be the next female action hero if I'm all flabbed up and too weak to get off the couch.  haha.

Godspeed, ladies and gents, and don't forget to check out my FAVORITE workout tool--the free WOWY supergym on the Beach Body website, available to all free players, where you can schedule your exercises (whether or not they are BB programs) and be entered for a chance to win some money every time you log in!

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