Thursday, March 6, 2014

Challenging the Universe

My last post was all about being positive and avoiding complaints.  And I have to say, without fail, any time I make a statement like that I get hit HARD!  It's like the universe takes it as a challenge.  Oh you're not going to complain?  Lightning bolt, lightning bolt, lightning bolt.  Haha.  Our family has had some rough times lately.  My mom's diagnosis and treatments, my younger sister's husband experiencing brain seizures and a possible medical discharge from the Air Force, my dad's back and knee problems, my sister-in-law's back surgery, financial problems...the list goes on.  It would be easy to get bogged down with all of this stuff and just give up.  

Guess what, though?  Everybody has problems.  Unfortunately, it's just part of life.  This past year I've really been trying to change my life in a lot of ways and part of that is focusing on the good things.  I have worked so hard.  I have done what was asked of me and then much, much more--because no one gets anywhere by striving to be average.  I had an unprecedented positive yearly review at work, I've had opportunities left and right, I've put together an awesome apartment arrangement with very little funds to work with, I got engaged, and I got involved with Beach Body.  I can't believe how much better I feel and how much I've slimmed down and I can't wait to just see more!  The one thing that you can be sure will pay off is hard work.  If you want something big to happen, you have to be willing to put in the effort.  If you don't, guess what?  Nothing changes.  And you can cry all you want, but what good will it do?  Go ahead, challenge the universe.  And when you overcome every single thing that gets thrown at you, feel like a BOSS and know that you can do anything.

Okay, I guess that's enough pep-talking.  Still trying to find the balance between sounding like fitness Barbie and just being a normal, semi-sarcastic person who wants to encourage her friends.  I'm too approximistic to be that Type A fitness freak.  This week I have had way fewer issues trying to do the workouts.  I haven't had to modify as much, I've increased the amount of time I can hold a plank, I've been less sore, and I've actually sweated MORE because I've been able to give more.  Yesterday was Lower Fix (legs) and I hate, hate, hate it.  I may sound all perky now, but in the middle of a workout anyone nearby can hear me cursing, whining, maybe even crying a little.  Even so, it's 100% better to work hard for 30 minutes than spend an hour running on a treadmill surrounded by smelly strangers. ;)

Today was Pilates Fix.  Pilates may be the exercise of soccer moms, but it ain't no joke.  Almost all of it felt completely doable.  But the side series is not.  "Stirring a pot" and "pedaling a bike" with one leg for several minutes kind of makes you want to die.  I have to say, though, it was probably a big contributor to losing so many inches in my thighs.  My favorite thing about these sessions is that the second you really feel like you're going to die if you do anymore, it's rest time!  Awesomesauce.

The nutrition has been no problem this week.  Cravings have been much less strong (although I decided last night that I will definitely be having a nice cold beer when I finish this three weeks, haha).  I actually have found myself wanting to eat less.  Some days I don't even really want to eat my dinner.  But I spent the time prepping I do.  haha.  The shakes have definitely helped and what has helped with the shakes is this fantastic blender:

Boom.  $20 at Wal Mart.
My coach has one.  It comes with like six blender cups...which is good because I don't do dishes every day.  haha.  When I used to make smoothies before, it was hard to portion them in a big blender, so I would always end up "eating" too much.  And there IS such a thing of too much of a good thing.  Portions, with everything, are key.

I've gotten a lot of responses and questions so far...I'd kind of like to try to do a Q & A blog in the near future.  If anyone has any questions about just anything, please PLEASE either comment below, message me on Facebook, or send me an email at

Much love and thanks for reading!

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