Thursday, March 13, 2014

Vampire Slaying and Alter-Egos

I have to be honest.  I get tired of trying to act like a guru or something.  I actually do know a lot about health/nutrition.  I've got a weird memory and tend to absorb things I read and hear--and I do my research when it comes to health.  Still, I'm not an expert.  I'm not an athlete.  Hell, I'm not even in shape yet.  I don't know everything I need to know.  I'm still learning!  I don't even generally look up to anyone people consider a guru.  I generally find them annoying, actually.  In fact, even the word "guru" annoys me, so I'm going to stop saying it now.  When I think of myself being fit, I'm a little more...imaginative.  I watch an action movie or read a comic book or think about being able to just beat up bad guys and I get motivated.  It sounds silly, but it's true.

I watch Buffy the Vampire Slayer and I think about kicking vampires in the face and then rattling off a cheesy one-liner.  I watch Tomb Raider and think about fighting killer robots just for funsies.  I watch the Hunger Games and I think about surviving to start a revolution.  I read Lord of the Rings and I think about grabbing a sword like Eowyn and just stabbing a wraith right in the face.  It takes strength to swing a sword, folks.  I know.  I'm nerding out here.  And no, I'm not a crazy person who thinks she can develop supernatural strength.  haha.

Yesterday I CRUSHED Lower Fix for the first time.  It had been really difficult and I hated it and then yesterday was amazing.  I didn't modify anything, I didn't slow down.  I felt like a beast.  Today, I amped up to two workouts: Pilates Fix and Total Body Cardio Fix.  I've been trying to do that for days!  I felt even more like a dadgum hero.  And as I sit here, drinking my Vanilla Shakeology with banana and reveling in my own awesomeness, I'm watching Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.  I'm thinking about how once I get in fantastic shape, I will be totally prepared to join the resistance if an Asgardian tries to build an army and take over earth.  

Or I will just be prepared to wear an awesome comic costume this Halloween.  I've always wanted to dress up like the Black Canary, but there's no way I would have felt comfortable in a costume like this in my chubby state:

You gotta have good legs to fight crime, apparently.
The point is, when I see a hero, I identify with her or him.  I want to be that.  I want to be strong, look strong, and be able to kick some tail.  Whether it's conquering evil or fitting into a costume of a character who conquers evil, my first step is getting up and pushing myself every. single. day.  If I give myself a pass not to workout one day, it becomes easier to do that the day after that and the day after that.  If I put things that bring me temporary pleasure (junk food, beer, liquor, lazing around the house--haha) ahead of my goals, the things that will bring me consistent happiness (good health, strength, energy, looking SASSY) will remain out of reach.  And ps, I'm not giving up alcohol forever.  I think it's fine in moderation...if you're in shape.  If you've got a ton of weight to lose (like me), you're ruining your progress.  And it will be a much, much longer process.

Find your motivation.  Mine is nerd stuff and will remain so.  My temporary and extreme push to get fit is also my UPCOMING WEDDING AHHHHH!  I want to look amazing.  I want everyone to freaking gasp when they see me walking down the aisle next year.  I want Tom to be beaming and all of his friends to be jeal-jeal.  I want to look at those wedding pictures and feel only pride, not regret.  Know what you want and why...then PUSH for it until it happens.

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