Saturday, March 15, 2014


I had been thinking about how to handle the transition to my next round of the 21 Day Fix.  I want to highlight that it is a three week program, so I don't want to jump into the next round right away.  I also wanted to give my body some rest after killing it with my workouts and eating plan these past three weeks.  Then, my coach inadvertently gave me a brilliant idea when she posted something in our Challenge Group: a Shakeology cleanse!

Now I have an excuse to have more than one shake a day.  Mmm.
I really think that this will be an awesome way to prepare for the next round.  I'm going to stick to a lighter workout schedule.  I'll still be doing it every day, but I will be doing yoga, maybe some pilates. I'll be focusing on flexibility and stretching for the week and then starting Round 2 the following Monday.  I am SO looking forward to it.  It's going to be like a reward/mini-vacation.  haha.  It will be so relaxing and I know my body will thank me!

I will not be focusing on eating five or six times a day during this coming week, but I will be sticking to healthier foods.  I genuinely feel better than I have in a long time and I don't want to lose that.  I've created a habit of eating more fruits and veggies and little to no processed foods.  Dropping that routine would be like quitting smoking and then starting up again a week after you've completely stopped.  You've worked hard to form better habits, don't drop them!  Junk food is truly addicting.  People have withdrawal when they quit eating it.  Once you're weaned off of that feeling, don't introduce addictive habits again!

I'm going to be posting some progress pictures soon.  I still have a LONG way to go, but I've definitely had some changes.  Keep on keeping on, friends.

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