Sunday, March 9, 2014

Short and Sweet

So, yesterday was characterized by a complete lack of blog.  Schedules are just so...pedestrian.  Like, they're for the little people.  I am the great and powerful Haylee.  I can't be restricted to "deadlines" and "agendas."  Lol, totes pulling your chain.  I forgot, because I am sometimes (read: usually) a big, frenzied mess of a human being.  So I do apologize to those of you who might have actually cared and/or noticed (come on, didn't you miss it even just a little bit?).  I will not promise to avoid it in the future, because I also am a little noncommittal.  Why make a promise you may not keep?  Godzilla could attack, I could randomly get whisked away to some beach somewhere by an adoring fan, or my fairy godmother could show up and finally get me to that ball.  You really never know.

So, since I already did a video today (Watch!), I will keep this one short and sweet.  THE END...just kidding.

I just want to impress upon everyone who might be reading my blog and working on getting in better shape themselves...just hide your scale in a closet during your first few weeks.  Better yet, have someone hide it for you so you truly don't know where it is.  Some people lose pounds right away, but the majority of people just don't get in shape that way.  Women, especially, tend to see their losses first in inches.  Here's why I suggest you put your scale away.  Even knowing these facts, even being familiar with my body's tendency to slim and build muscle before a pound drops, I really upset myself the other day by focusing on the scale instead of the success I was seeing.

One of the women in my challenge group had lost four pounds in her first week!  I got on the scale...I've still only lost one pound.  Then I measured myself again.  I had lost another inch in my waist and another in my hips.  My pants get looser and looser.  People are commenting left and right that I look slimmer.  I FEEL slimmer.  I'm having to modify less in the workouts, and I feel stronger.  Not only that, but I can feel rock-hard muscles protruding in my legs when I do squats.  No joke.  My legs and my shoulders both are like woah.  And people may say it to make themselves feel better when they gain weight, but it is extremely true if you're making good choices that if you aren't losing yet, it could be because muscle weighs more than fat!

I say all of this to tell you that success looks different for everyone.  Some people lose a lot of pounds right away.  Some people just have inches melting away.  Some get just plain ripped.  Don't look at someone else's success and downplay your own.  And DON'T place your hopes in the scale.  MEASURE, MEASURE, MEASURE!  Measure your arms, your thighs, your waist, your chest, and your hips.  You will see the difference, I promise!  And if you get the evil urge to step on the scale, those measurements will sing "Wish you would step back from that ledge, my friend" and you will sing tra la la and be a happy camper again.  When you're making healthy choices, the scale will catch up.  In the meantime, check out how awesome your butt looks in your pants.  Mmm.  That's right.  Sassy stuff.

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